How does the Dog Breed Identification test work?
The Dog Breed Identification test will define your canine ancestry going back three generations – parent, grandparent, great-grandparent! Taking the entire DNA profile of the tested dog, the canine breed identification test looks at a total of 1,800 genetic markers, with access to a vast database of over 350 breeds, types and varieties. The test results are one of the most comprehensive you can get when it comes to finding out your pup’s heritage. The following information is included:
- List of the specific breeds in your dog all the way back to their great-grandparents presented in the form of a family tree.
- A full analysis of the dominant breed and secondary breeds. The information provided explains everything you need to know about the breeds found in your pup including their traits, behaviour and history.
- Information about breed and weight information.
- Predicted weight profile for the dog which is based on their breed mix.
- Proof of breed paper outlining the findings from your dog’s DNA which serves useful for breeders everywhere.

This Dog Breed Identification Test kit provides passionate dog lovers with a wealth of genetic information which can help them identify their canine’s key traits and understand what makes their pup so unique. The Dog Breed Identification tool is also a great resource that provides dog breeders with extremely important data, and for $129 you just cannot beat the value! This test is suitable for mixed-breed, purebred and designer dogs alike.
Collecting the Dog’s DNA Sample
The process behind this test could not get any simpler! Once you have completed your order, we will promptly dispatch your canine sample collection kit. Inside the kit, you will find mouth swabs which you need to use to collect the cheek cells required. All you need to do is to gently rub the swab(s) inside your dog’s mouth, against the inner cheek. The rubbing procedure should not take any longer than one minute and is completely pain-free.
You can then proceed to place the used swabs in the envelope, fill in the required documentation and mail everything back to us in the self-addressed envelope. Once samples are in the laboratory, scientists will proceed to analyse the DNA in the canine cheek cells. Results will be sent to you via email within 3 weeks from receipt of samples at the laboratory.
Does this test cover all existing Dog Breeds?
The Dog Breed Identification test was developed using pure breeds, primarily found in the registry lists of The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. Take a look at the full list of dog breeds tested HERE.
In case your dog was imported from a country other than the United Kingdom, mainland United States, Canada, Australia or Western Europe, or if you suspect that your dog’s ancestors are from outside these countries,  your dog’s breed ancestry may not be well represented using this dog breed database. This mostly applies to dogs from Eastern Europe, Greece and the Middle East as genetic markers of breeds from these countries are not always compatible with the markers used in our database and this could adversely affect the results.
Important note re Pitbull Breeds
The term “pit bull” does not refer to a single recognized breed of dog, but rather to a genetically diverse group of breeds which are associated by similar physical traits. Pit bull-type dogs have historically been bred by combining guard-type breeds with terriers for certain desired characteristics. As such, they may retain many genetic similarities to their original breeds and other closely related breeds.
Due to the genetic diversity of this group, the laboratory cannot build a DNA profile to genetically identify every dog that may be visually classified as a pit bull. When these types of dogs are tested with the laboratory, we routinely detect various quantities of the component pure-bred dogs including the American Staffordshire Terrier, Boston Terrier, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Boxer, Bulldog, and various other terriers and guard breeds. Additionally, there are often other breeds outside the guard and terrier groups identified in the mix, depending on each dog’s individual ancestry.
Some communities have put restrictions on pit bull ownership. The laboratory encourages dog owners and care providers to be fully aware of their local laws, which vary across the country, when considering DNA testing.
Special Offers and Discounts
The price of the Dog Breed Identification Test 350+ test is $129.
AÂ second or third Dog Breed Identification Test 350+ test for your other dog or maybe for a relative or a friend can be purchased at $119 ($10 discount). Make use of our discounted prices to understand even better your beloved pet!
Other DNA tests for Dogs
EasyDNA offers other canine DNA testing services which you might be interested in using such as testing for dog allergies and dog paternity testing. Why don’t you take a look at the full list of dog DNA kits we offer?
Here’s what one of our clients has to say about the Dog Breed Identification Test. Click here to read more testimonials.
“Very clear and easy to follow website and instructions. The overall process was relatively seamless and expedient.” ✪✪✪✪✪ Jeffery or Tiffany Dyck, 24th August 2021.
Discover your dog’s ancestry and breed by ordering your kit today.